

yeah! everyone had a pobs.
n i have probs too.

but, idunno dekat sape aq na cte probs aq tu.
aq simpan probss tu sorang2 n sometimes feel like I better DIE
n being soo sensitive n cry 4 some shit n makes my eye becomes red.


forever alone

aq da break dgn dy.
then xsmpai sminggu break dy da ad coup baru.
nmpk sgtkan?

nie ape yg dy kasi dkt aq.
tw you akn lupekn i , tp i brani sumpah ! i tk kn lupe kn you , i akn ingt you smpai i mati :) walaupun i da kawen , i ttp akn ingat you :) you telah bg segalanye yg prmpuan lain bg dkat i . i sayang you sangatt . thanks for everythingg darll . iloveyou untill my last breath :) kalau you dh ubah pikiran you , i ttp akn mnunggu you , i tk pndai nk ayat-2 nehh . tp ni ikhlas dri hati i ♥

beserta dgn video nie

best friends

i wish i have best friends.
1 is enough.
the one who i can share my probs, understands my probs, make me smiles, going shopping together,
the one who i can do everything with her.

dulu aq rase * best friends aq.
tapi bukan skrg.
aq terbace dkt bku nota dy.
dy tulis JANGAN TERPENGARUH DENGAN AINA' n kawan rapat dgn *.
nmpk sgt kan? she is not my best friends anymore.

sorang nie, name dy # .
dy xpham aq. dy xpnh ad coup. xtawu rasenye.
dy kaye, aq x.
dy bukan bestfriends aq.

aq dlu ad group, mse standard 6.
semue bestfriEnds aq. diorang phm aq, ske buad lawak.
tapi tu semue tggl kenangan. diorang skg sch dkt smksr manekale aq kesorangan dkt SSI.

skg aq rase dri aq ONE IS ONE ALL ALONE.